Swetha Amit

Swetha Amit holding two of her books titled 'A Turbulent Mind' and smiling

Why did you submit to trash to treasure lit?
I wasn’t sure if that piece would resonate on a global level.

How would you describe your writing practice?
I dedicate at least three hours to writing everyday. I also spend a lot of time reading as it helps my writing.

What is the biggest thing that stops you from submitting work to lit mags/journals/publications?
Unsure if my story would resonate/connect with the editors or whether its a good fit to that magazine.

Do you think the writing industry has an impact on your confidence in your work (good or bad)? Why?
In a good way, the acceptances have motivated me to write. In a bad way, i've wondered why i get rejections despite submitting a write up that caters to the specific theme of a journal.

When do you start to doubt a piece that you are working on?
During my second or third draft. I often wonder if i've gotten enough depth in my characters or story.

Once you trash one of your pieces, what makes you come back to it (if ever)?
Its always good to give time to your stories. I came back to a flash fiction piece four years after I wrote it. I altered it and sent it out. It was recently published.

How many pieces do think you have currently in your 'abandoned' folder?

What is the ultimate reason that you trash your work?
Doubtful whether it would resonate with readers.

Is there anything that would stop you from trashing your work? (More education in writing, more publications/less rejections, a change in the industry, etc)
I think an increase in my confidence as a writer. So maybe i'd say more education in writing.

What writing advice have you been given that has changed your perspective on how you treat/view your work?
Perservere, and results will follow. My professor Karl Soehnlein said this to me when i almost gave up writing. That changed my perspective towards writing-I decided to just enjoy the process of writing, instead of stressing about acceptances.

If you have any upcoming work (books, publications, features, art, etc), feel free to mention them here, so that we can support you!
I have some upcoming publications in Drunk Monkeys, Dewdrop, Fragmented voices, Beyond words literary journal, Sad girls club, and Swim press.

An alumni of Tin House, and Kenyon Review Writers’ workshop, Swetha is currently a third-year MFA student at University of San Francisco. She has published her works in Atticus Review, JMWW, Toasted Cheese, and others. A marathon runner, and triathlete, she has authored a memoir titled A Turbulent Mind.


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