Cindy Hossain

Cindy Hossain wearing a floral top and smiling

Why did you submit to trash to treasure lit?
I had a piece I didn't feel 100% confident with, so it seemed the perfect fit.

How would you describe your writing practice?
Short, sweet, and constant.

What is the biggest thing that stops you from submitting work to lit mags/journals/publications?
Worrying that my writing is not of the standard the editor is expecting.

Do you think the writing industry has an impact on your confidence in your work (good or bad)? Why?
Yes, for the better. The more I read other author's publications, the more I feel that my writing is similar in quality.

When do you start to doubt a piece that you are working on?
After the first draft, when I have managed to put everything I wanted to down on the page.

Once you trash one of your pieces, what makes you come back to it (if ever)?
Time. I have to almost forget that I wrote it. The words and I have to become strangers, before I feel that I can face them again.

How many pieces do think you have currently in your 'abandoned' folder?
Far too many. More than ten.

What is the ultimate reason that you trash your work?

Is there anything that would stop you from trashing your work? (More education in writing, more publications/less rejections, a change in the industry, etc)
I would love to become naturally more consistent with my use of tenses throughout my writing, as this is my Achillies Heal.

What writing advice have you been given that has changed your perspective on how you treat/view your work?
First get all the ideas on the paper, then worry about perfecting it later.

If you have any upcoming work (books, publications, features, art, etc), feel free to mention them here, so that we can support you!
I have several pieces due to be published soon. I post all the links on my Twitter as they become available.

Cindy Hossain was born and raised in South Africa. She now lives in the United Kingdom with her husband, three children, cat, and two dogs. She enjoys practicing writing in many genres and styles but has a particular fondness for flash fiction.


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