Matti Blake

Matti Blake standing in front of a white wall

Why did you submit to trash to treasure lit?
A lot of my writing contains details that are hard to edit down, I felt like my full, unedited thoughts were safe with trash to treasure.

How would you describe your writing practice?
Sporadic. I write as things come to me and refine them later.

What is the biggest thing that stops you from submitting work to lit mags/journals/publications?
Fear of rejection! Each piece feels like a metaphorical baby I gave literary birth to. I want them appreciated the same way I appreciate them (which isn’t always possible).

Do you think the writing industry has an impact on your confidence in your work (good or bad)? Why?
I think discovering the smaller literary community that thrives on Twitter has helped build my confidence in submitting pieces, which is how I discovered trash to treasure!

When do you start to doubt a piece that you are working on?
When I’ve done about three drafts and cannot get the words to fit correctly.

Once you trash one of your pieces, what makes you come back to it (if ever)?
Time. Fresh eyes on a project definitely help me see it’s potential.

How many pieces do think you have currently in your 'abandoned' folder?

What is the ultimate reason that you trash your work?
I believe the pieces are too personal and no one will relate.

Is there anything that would stop you from trashing your work? (More education in writing, more publications/less rejections, a change in the industry, etc)
More publications would be very helpful, knowing that my work is going somewhere.

What writing advice have you been given that has changed your perspective on how you treat/view your work?
You should aim for 100 rejections a year! This gave me confidence to keep “throwing” my work until it sticks!

Matti Blake is a writer from Southeastern Ohio. She is studying Creative Writing in English at Mount Vernon Nazarene University


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